Rivendale Lodge EMI Care Home

Rivendale Lodge EMI Care Home


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Airbourne - Aug 2013

Rivendale Lodge offers an extensive range of activities, catering for many different interests and ability levels.

We have an in-house Activities Co-ordinator who is experienced in developing fun and entertaining stimulation for our Service Users. As part of the pre-admission and care planning process we endeavour to learn as much as possible about an individual and thereby cater our activities towards their capabilities and interests.

  • Entertainers – The home maintains a host of different visiting groups and individuals who call to provide stimulation and entertainment to complement our in-house activities
  • Canine Concern – Bring their lovely natured care dogs into the home to visit the residents
  • Religious Services – A local community church group holds a service on a monthly basis
  • Beauty & Massage – A dedicated therapist visits once a month, or as required
  • Hairdresser – A local hairdresser attends once per week
  • Chiropodist – A chiropody service visits on a monthly basis

We also have a minibus, which was funded by hard work by the staff fundraising at our summer fêtes, as well as by generous family donations.

We regularly take the residents to Lions Hotels Group Boship Hotel for elderly residents.